Platform aphasia: People start to operate under the implicit acknowledgment that there will be repetition and duplication in their speech. People say, “I don’t know if I told you this,” not because their memories are failing but because they are repeating stories and phrases to multiple people on various platforms, a variation on repeating things to yourself. In his novel, “10:04,” Ben Lerner repeats a scene where he eats octopus, repeats seeing a painting, and describes instantly misremembering a trip over one bridge because he’s looking at one (Brooklyn) while walking over another (Manhattan). He never says the word Instagram but that application is implicit: if your photo, the one you save and post and circulate, is of the Brooklyn Bridge, your memory may eventually form around that image and overwrite the reality of having walked over the other bridge one mile to the north. The word palimpsest comes up at least once in “10:04,” which describes this use of language. We overwrite ourselves quickly, forgetting which platform we were supposed to be using, posting and recording and reading and linking and talking, ungluing the idea of any present being the important present. But without a present there is no simultaneity and without a simultaneity there is no politically significant Us, which is a necessary magnetic pole of the collective You. How can We reach You? Where are you? When are you?